I first learned about The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod when one of my co-workers mentioned it. It sounded like an interesting book and I am not a morning person so I decided that I would look into it.
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In The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod explains his philosophy around living your life to the fullest. Elrod argues that 95% of people will never reach their fullest potential BUT that we all have the ability to reach a “level 10” in every area of our lives.
Level 10, just means that you are living your best life, with the emphasis on YOUR. A Level 10 life looks different for each of us and it is important for us to figure out what Level 10 means in our own lives.
So what do we have to do to lead a miracle life? First, we need to believe we deserve it. Second, we must dedicate time each day for personal growth. Third, we need to lean into making our morning routines more productive and focused.
Level 10 Life Areas of Focus
The following are the areas of focus that Elrod talks about in the Miracle Morning and the 30 Day Transformation Challenge.
- Family and Friends
- Personal Development
- Spirituality
- Finances
- Career
- Romance
- Fun and Recreation
- Giving and Contribution
- Physical Environment
- Health and Fitness

Now, these are just the areas that are suggested by Elrod. But guess what? Your life is yours! So feel free to add, omit, combine, and be creative with your categories. If you want to be more specific (romance —–> marriage or physical environment ——-> home), make those changes.
These categories also fit pretty well with the 8 dimensions of self-care. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you already know what I’m talking about (and thanks!). But just in case you’re new, these are the 8 dimensions of self-care:
- Physical
- Mental/Emotional
- Environmental
- Spiritual
- Financial
- Professional
- Intellectual
- Social
I personally would put in romance with social. Like I said, your life is yours and you can make your own categories. For simplicity, I’ll be using the categories from The Miracle Morning.
Reaching Your Level 10 Life Goals
Assess Your Life
Before you start making goals, you should assess your life in the 10 areas that we just talked about. So first, grab a pen and some paper (or your favorite notebook) and settle in.
This should take at least an hour. You want to be thoughtful in your assessment. If you’re not sure exactly where to start with your assessment, I’ve thought of a few questions that you can ask yourself. If you’d like even more journaling prompts that cover the majority of these categories, check out this post on self-discovery questions. These questions are about where you are RIGHT NOW.

- What are the areas in your life that you currently love?
- What about them makes you so happy?
- What areas of your life are not going well?
- What makes you feel that way about them?
- What areas of your life do you spend most of your time thinking about?
By the way, these assessments are often done during life coaching sessions. If you’re interested in life coaching or specifically self-care coaching, check out my services.
Ask Yourself Where You Want to Be
Now that you have a firm grasp on where you are right now, ask yourself where you want to be.
- What does your level 10 life look like?
- Who do you spend your time with?
- What do you spend your time doing?
- How does it all make you feel?
So you have an idea of what you’d like your life to look like and maybe even some steps to start getting there.
Make Them SMART
This means that you want your goal to be clear and understandable. For example, “get healthier” isn’t really clear. What does “get healthier actually mean? Some questions you may ask yourself include: what do I want to accomplish? and what is involved in accomplishing it?
So instead, “Get healthier” becomes “Exercise more”
Having your goal be measurable means that there are concrete action steps, deadlines, etc that you can point to, to show that you are on your way to (or have met) your goal.
Your specific goal of exercising more can be measured by how long you exercise, how often you exercise, how many repetitions of a particular exercise you do, etc.
This step in the SMART goal exercise is also called Achievable. Is your goal achievable based on your capabilities (health, finances, family situation etc) AND your ability to stretch yourself?

Think about if this goal is really relevant to you. Will this goal actually matter a few years from now? Are you trying to achieve this goal because it’s what someone else wants?
Only you know if your goal is really relevant to what you want.
Lastly, you want to set a timeframe for this goal. Some questions you may ask yourself in this step are: how often will I set aside time for this OR when do I want this goal to be achieved by?
To take our “exercise more” goal through all the steps, it may look something like this:
I’m going to work up to exercising at home 3 times a week for half an hour by February 15th, 2020.
Level 10 Life Goal Examples
If you’re not sure where to start out or want a few more examples of how to make SMART level 10 life goals, here are a few goals in each area.
Family & Friends
- Watch movies with my family once a week for the next 3 months
- Send a gratitude letter once a month to a friend or family member for a year (this is actually one of my goals for 2020)
- Go on one family vacation to Florida by the end of the year.
Personal Development
- Attend 1 personal development workshop/seminar/retreat each quarter in 2020
- Read 1 personal development/self-help book a month in 2020
- Find one enjoyable podcast to listen to once a week for all of 2020
- Meditate daily for 10 minutes for one month
- Find a spiritual home by the end of the year
- Start yoga teacher training by the end of the year
- Set up and have a money date each month for a year
- Save $3k in an emergency fund by the end of the year
- Pay off one credit card in full by in the next 6 months
- Attend one conference in my career field by the end of the year
- Network with 2-3 new people in my field every quarter
- Take one class a quarter to help my career growth ( – try SkillShare for taking courses, you’ll get a free 2-month trial with this link!)

- Go on a date at least once a month with my significant other for the next year
- Go on a vacation with my partner at least once a year
- Tell my significant other that I love them every day
Fun & Recreation
- Join a MeetUp group that caters to my interest by the end of the year
- Limit the use of social media to one hour a day
- Read one book for pleasure every quarter for a year
Giving & Contribution
- Volunteer with a local organization at least once a month for a year
- Donate items from my home that I no longer use every 6 months
- Donate blood with the Red Cross every 6 months
Physical Environment
- Declutter my home every 6 months (and donate the items – see above)
- Decorate my second bedroom by the end of spring
- Load and unload the dishwasher every 2-3 days
Health and Fitness
- Do yoga at home 5 times a week for the next 6 months
- Add additional fruit and vegetables to lunch and dinner 5 times a week for 6 months
- Consult a nutritionist or dietician every 3 to 4 months
As I’ve stated before in this post, you can also see where you can increase the intersections (or do multiple of your goals at the same time). Maybe you can listen to that podcast while you do your yoga (for example).
There is nothing to fear because you cannot fail – only learn, grow, and become better than you’ve ever been before.
Hal Elrod – The Miracle Morning
If you’re interested in learning more about level 10 living, I highly suggest that you grab The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

If you’ve gotten through this post, give yourself a pat on the back! You’re one step closer to living your level 10 life. Tell me in the comments what your level 10 life areas are and what are some of the goals that you would like to accomplish!

Briana Hollis is a licensed social worker and self-care coach. She earned her Master of Science in Social Administration from Case Western Reserve University in 2014 and her Master of Education from Tiffin University in 2019. She has spent the last 5 years working in crisis intervention. Her passion for serving others is the heart of this site. She started Learning To Be Free to assist others in bringing freedom to their lives.
Briana is also the author of The Self-Care Journal for Young Adults.
Love this post! This will be the model for my goal setting this year!
Sounds like a really good book. I will be buying this and adding it to my list.
I’m on my personal development phase right now. I’ve been reading a few self-improvement books and articles and a few personal finance book so i can get my finance in order.
Awesome read!!! Love it I’m ready to write my goals down right now.