This post was sponsored by California Psychics. Thank you to California Psychics for providing me with a free reading!
Having a psychic reading can open our minds to new possibilities, reveal old patterns, and lead to self-discovery. That’s precisely what happened to me when I had my psychic reading with a psychic advisor from California Psychics.
Why I Wanted to Try a Psychic Reading
Very simply, love. Because unfortunately, love is very complicated and has been one of the areas of my life that has caused me a lot of distress, especially in the past couple of years.

If you’re a long-time reader, you know that I struggle with having a lot of anxiety when I’m in a romantic relationship or pursuing one. I’m someone who wears my heart on my sleeve, and it isn’t always to my benefit. I’ve gone to therapy a couple of times over this issue and will probably be going again in the future.
While therapy has been helpful, I genuinely believe that there are many paths to healing and truth, with psychic advisors being one of them. I’ve always wanted to talk with a psychic advisor, going back to my childhood. One of the houses I grew up in was down the street from a psychic advisor, and I was incredibly intrigued about it.

It was even on my bucket list that I made last year of things that I wanted to do. I had a goal of doing it by 2022 and BAM this opportunity was brought to me.
I’ve recently met someone that I’m pretty excited about, and I wanted to know more about how our relationship could potentially unfold.
How I Prepared for My Psychic Reading
I’ll admit I was a little nervous because I always am when I try something new. To help myself prepare and be less anxious, I jotted down some notes of things that I wanted to talk about and some general questions.

I logged into the California Psychics website and browsed through the psychic advisors that were available. To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to their specialties right away. I just looked at their pictures. I wanted to find someone that I felt a connection with and screamed, “YES! I would be comfortable talking with you!”
I love that there are psychic advisors available anytime that you want to talk. I’m someone who doesn’t like to schedule things out and just wants to “do the thing” when I want to do it. If you’re the opposite of me, you can also schedule a time to talk. California Psychics has very high-quality standards, accepting only 2 in 100 psychic applicants through their rigorous testing and training, so you can trust whoever you pick will be the real deal.
After the initial look through, I felt most connected with Psychic Tajah and scheduled a call with them. It was a bonus that Psychic Tajah also specialized in love and relationships as well as Tarot card reading, which I’m also extremely interested in.
My Experience with Psychic Tajah
One of her testimonials from another client mentioned that talking to Psychic Tajah was like talking to a wise maternal figure. And that’s exactly how it felt. I shared my overall concerns about my love life with Tajah, and it felt like she immediately understood what I was going through.
As I mentioned, I met someone I’m very excited about, so we talked about him first. She sensed some reservations on his part and asked me if that was something that I felt. She was right! These were some feelings that I had been having, so we explored this further, including my anxiety about romantic relationships in general.

After speaking on this portion of my love life, I asked Psychic Tajah if she could give me an overview of my love life for the rest of the year. She stated that I would be meeting someone new (very exciting), and our relationship would progress reasonably quickly (even more exciting!).
Final Thoughts and Reflections
I’m incredibly appreciative to both California Psychics, and particularly Psychic Tajah for the services that they offer. Psychic Tajah took the time to understand what I wanted to learn more about and ease my worries about what was coming.
I told her that I was saddened because the person I’m excited about may have some reservations. She was encouraging, empathetic, and kind in all of her responses to my sadness. It made me realize that all relationships, even ones that don’t last, are worthwhile.

She also provided perspective. Though I’m sad right now, it won’t be this way forever, and that there is always something new to look forward to. Whatever my love life throws at me this year, I’m excited and hopeful for it.
Visit to book your reading today and use promo code learning5 to get $5 added to your account when you purchase your first reading.
Thank you again to California Psychics for sponsoring this post!

Have you ever met with a psychic advisor before? What was your experience like? If you haven’t, what would you most like to ask? Let me know your thoughts on the comments.

Briana Hollis is a licensed social worker and self-care coach. She earned her Master of Science in Social Administration from Case Western Reserve University in 2014 and her Master of Education from Tiffin University in 2019. She has spent the last 5 years working in crisis intervention. Her passion for serving others is the heart of this site. She started Learning To Be Free to assist others in bringing freedom to their lives.
Briana is also the author of The Self-Care Journal for Young Adults.